Shambhala Music and Lyrics
Music by The Truthsayers
Lyrics by L. M. McDermott and Joseph Carrella
Music by Baylor Maggenti
Come on Along
Verse 1
Hey people, come on along.
All you need is your own song,
And the will to sing it
Loud and strong.
Come on along, Come on.
Hey people …
Watch me grow.
But, you better look quick
Or you’ll never know,
With each second
I take a new form.
With every minute
A new me is born.
Does it look like fun
To skip in the rain
And sing in the sun,
To find hidden caves
And dare to explore,
To find out what’s
Behind that door?
Have you noticed me?
I’m singin’ my song
And settin’ me free.
Takin’ time to
Know who I am.
Givin’ it all,
All that I can.
Set yourselves free.
You can do it,
Just like me.
Demand from life
All it can bring.
And know your song
Is meant to sing.
Do you know your own song?
Look inside.
It’s been there all along.
Listen to your heart
And the wisdom of your soul.
Give it time.
Let it unfold.
Music and Lyrics Copyright © 2011 Forerunner Publications